Report Cards
Student Assessment
Assessment refers to the process by which teachers and parents determine what students know and are able to do. Assessment takes many forms including teacher tests and quizzes, observation, anecdotal notes, logs, skills checklists, journals, student performance opportunities, keeping a record of day-to-day assignments and standardized testing. Assessment is reported to parents in the ways mentioned below.
Report Cards
There are two report cards each school year in grades K-5. The first report card is posted on Aspen Follett student information system in late January (exact date determined by the school calendar). The final report card is posted on the last day of school. Letter grades are not used in reporting progress.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Teachers hold two parent conferences each year, one taking place in November, the second taking place in March. Other conferences may occur on an as-needed basis. These conferences are held on the ILAP/Early Release afternoons noted on the district calendar.